Tuesday, September 13, 2016

How Teenagers Can Achieve a Healthy Skin

If your teenager has a smooth and trouble-free complexion, you're one lucky mom. Why is that? It's because you won't experience being pestered by grumblings and unreasonable demands to have good skin.

According to research, eight out of ten teens in America have blemishes. Teenagers are very much concerned about this; so they become eager to try anything and everything promises a clear skin.

Personalizing your skin care program

As a parent, the best thing you can do for your teenager is to help her research about a personalized skin care program. It's because there's no definite formula that will work for all skin types.

Keeping skin clean is key to keeping it healthy. Washing it in the morning and at night may not be enough especially when your teenager is busy with lots of outdoor activities. She might need to wash her face while at school or as soon as she comes home from school. Moreover, your teenager will need plenty of fresh air, exercise and sleep. Eating of proper food in the right amount is important too.

Care for oily skin

Most teenagers have oily type of skin. Flakiness around the nose area is sign of oily skin. This is really excess oil that has dried from exposure to air. Here's one characteristic of oily skin: the nose, forehead and chin areas have oily shine within an hour of washing. Also, black heads and white heads appear on the nose and the chin.

Teenagers with oily skin must wash their faces several times daily using soap or facial wash that match their skin type. When washing your face, scrub the lather briskly with a circular motion. Rinse with warm water and then rinse with cold water to close the pores. Use a mild astringent to tighten the pores.

Care for dry skin

Teenagers with dry type of skin experience flakiness all over their faces. Their main problem is to restore moisture to their tight drawn skin. Unlike teenagers with oily skin, teenagers with dry skin can limit washing their faces to twice daily. Apart from using soap or facial wash medicated for dry skin, a freshner is recommended for keeping the skin moisturized. Then, a moisturizing cream or lotion must be applied in the morning and at night time.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Importance of Posture in Looking Super

Everyone wants to look super. This trait is admired as much or more than having beautiful features. It’s not something you’re born with; it’s something you can achieve. Whether you like it or not, your look affects and reflects everything about you. This includes your ego, friends, mood and work. If you know you look good, you feel good.

photo credit: carla shellis my sparkle living
You can’t look super if you have poor posture. Posture is the way the body is held in sitting, standing and walking. There are many advantages for having a good posture. Your clothes will fit better if you have good posture.

Poor posture is an easy habit to get into. Usually, you're not aware of poor posture until somebody reminds you to 'sit up straight', 'stop slouching' or 'hold your shoulders back'. It takes determination to achieve good posture, but the results are worth it.

If you sit hunched over, you are curving your spine. Your lungs don't have enough room to breathe fully. This will make you feel tired quickly. Try to keep the lower part of your back touching the chair. Keep both of  your feet touching the floor much of the time. Don't cross your legs above the knees since that can prevent good blood circulation. Ankle  crossing is better.  If you've developed poor sitting habits, try to change one habit at a time.

When walking, try walking from your hips instead from your knees. Walking from the knees causes you to have a bouncy, choppy and awkward gait. Walking from the hips will keep your body in balance and will result to a smooth graceful walk. Some women swing their hips or their arms too much - they look awkward and unnatural. Watch yourself in the mirror to check if you're doing the best you can do.

Sit and stand  as tall as you can to have a good posture and to look super. Hold your head erect and lift your chest. Keep your back straight, stomach in and your hips tucked under.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

How to Choose the Best Colors for Your Body Shape

Color is one of the best ways to make the most out of your body shape. For example, white and off white can be worn by most people. It will make an area appear larger. If you want to emphasize your broad shoulders, select a top that is white or light in color.

Thin people can look bigger in clothes with light colors. 

Perhaps, you've already found the right color for your body shape. Plan carefully to add this color to your wardrobe. Firstly, stick to one color addition to your wardrobe to avoid confusion. Decide which colors look best on you. Your choice of color may depend on your complexion. figure, personality and present wardrobe. 

Here are some quick tips in choosing the colors that will complement your overall appearance. 
  • Wear neutral colors to draw attention away from  your body. Add color in accessories. 
  • Black and navy blue are the best colors for making you look slender.
  • Wear two or three piece outfits in warm contrasting colors if you're too tall or too thin.
  • Wear an outfit in one color if you want to look taller.
  • If you're a small person, wear separates that are color-keyed to each other.
  • Select light-colored tops that continue to below your waistline if you're short-waisted.
  • Wide and light-colored belts can make a waistline larger in some cases.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

What Your Color Choices in Clothing Say About You

People react to colors differently. Some women like to wear the brightest red top while other women might cringe just at the sight of it. You will know how you feel about colors if you look at the clothes you own. Do you see one color (may be in different shades)  more than any other? Yes? Then, that color could be your favorite.

Colors are usually matched with certain feelings or moods.

Orange - a warm and cheerful color that expresses courage, friendliness, hospitality, energy and hope.

Yellow - a cheerful and bright color associated with sympathy, prosperity, cowardice, deceit, wisdom and warmth.

Green - the color of spring which is restful and refreshing. It is associated with envy, luck, life and hope.

Blue - a calm, cool and dignified color expressing serenity, tranquility and formality. Sometimes, it is associated with depression.

Purple - expresses opulence, wisdom and suffering. It is associated with dignity, humility, mystery and royalty.

Black - a mysterious, sophisticated and strong color which symbolizes death, evil and wisdom.

White - a cool and serene color which symbolizes faith, innocence, peace and purity.

How can you decide which colors are best for you? Your skin color and the colors of your eyes and hair dictate which shades of clothing you should or should not wear. Here’s a short guide which you might want to check out.

- White is becoming to most skin tones.
- Black is usually becoming only to those with very fair skin. It drains the color from your face.
- Dull colors generally make you look drab and old.
- Aqua is the best color for most people.

- Shades of green look good on people with pink skin.
- Medium-warm colors or colors of autumn look good on people with dark complexions.
- Blue eyes look bluer when clothes with the same shade or value of blue is worn.
- Clothes in bright blue or purple make people with brownish or yellowish complexion look sallow or grayish.
- If your favorite color doesn’t look good next to your face, wear it away as in slacks or shorts.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Quick Insights on Looking Good and Dressing Up Well

You’re you. And, you’re not exactly like any person in the planet. You may look like your siblings, but you can’t be totally alike with them. Having said that, you also feel and think differently from them. All the things that make you different from other people contribute to your personality.

The way you dress is one way you’re able to express your personality. A carefree person, for example, might be less concerned about what she wears compared to someone who is a perfectionist.

Self-concept: your key to good looks

Self-concept is the idea of who you are and what you are like. Experts say that a person most likely has a good self-concept when she feels good about himself. She enjoys life; she likes other people and she believes that she can accomplish many things.

Public image goes along with self-concept. It is the way you look to others and vice versa. The way you dress gives other people their first impression of you. They could be impressed with what you’re wearing because clothing is the first thing they see --- and it’s the largest area they see. In fact, most people notice other people’s attire before they see their faces or hear their voices. Therefore, you must take the time to plan your daily outfit or your outfit for special occasions if you want to create a great first impression all the time.

Your clothes speak for you

A wise man said that clothing is a silent language --- it speaks for you and me. Moreover, studies have shown that your feelings about yourself are usually shown in your appearance. Clothing reflects your mental attitude. It may even reflect your unusual mood for the day.

Some people look terrific all the time while others look just okay. They don’t necessarily have perfect features and body shape. They simply know themselves. They take the time to evaluate themselves and research about the type of clothing that will best suit them.

Do you want to start looking superb moving forward? Remember to observe these ideas: feel good about yourself; be intentional in creating a great and lasting impression; and wear clothes that suit you best following a thorough self-evaluation.

Monday, May 9, 2016

How to Maintain Good Hygiene During Summer

Keeping a good hygiene may be extra challenging during the summer season. Nonetheless, you must do your best to stay clean all throughout the hot summer months because humidity can cause skin diseases and other risks on your health. Read these tips that can help you get started.

Shower everyday. People sweat a lot during summer because this season increases levels of mercury in the body. Bacteria and germs increase in number when there's constant perspiration. To prevent these bacteria and germs from creating infection infections and irritations on the skin, you must take a shower on a daily basis. Take a shower two to three times a day if you need to cool yourself or whenever you feel itchy due to sweat.

Wear clothes and undergarments that are made from cotton. Cotton absorbs body sweat fully. This can keep your body remains dry. Besides feeling cool, you will feel more comfortable in cotton clothing.

Wash your face daily. Sebum production increases during summer due to heat and perspiration. Sebum production can result into pimples and acne especially on the face.  Wash your face daily to keep it clean. Engage in weekly exfoliation to get rid of the dirt and dead skin cell on your facial skin.

Use deodorants. Constant perspiration encourages bacterial growth that leads to the presence of a foul smell. Body odor can be decreased or relieved through the application of deodorant as soon as you finish taking a bath.

Take care of your scalp. Humidity can greatly affect the condition of your scalp and the appearance of your hair. The scalp becomes oily and the hair becomes brittle when they're exposed to the sun. Shampoo your hair three times a week. Apply a conditioner after shampooing your hair in order to prevent dirt and dust from accumulating in the scalp. Moreover, this will keep your hair manageable under the sun.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Great Things to Do While You're Pregnant

Most women dislike being pregnant because of the possibility that they will need to give up the things that they love to do and the food that they love to eat. While caution must be observed during pregnancy, you shouldn't allow pregnancy to keep you from enjoying a new chapter in your life. In fact, there a number of brilliant things which you can still do while you're pregnant. They are as follows.

Exercise daily. Can you continue going to the gym during pregnancy? Yes, you can. Studies on pregnancy show that regular exercise provide many benefits to pregnant women. It helps reduce backaches, constipation, bloating, and swelling. It also  improves posture, muscle tone, and endurance which you will need for safe labor and delivery. If you don't like going to the gym, you can engage in walking, swimming, biking, or prenatal yoga.

Have sex. Are you and your partner concerned that sex isn't safe for the baby? The baby is protected by the amniotic sac; therefore, the baby won't get hurt even if you have intense sex. You might find more enjoyable during pregnancy because extra blood flow can pump up your pelvic region - it feels engorged all the time.

Do travel. The most comfortable time for pregnant women to travel is between 14 to 28 weeks. Pregnant women who travel during their first trimester often feel dizzy while those who travel during their third trimester often feel heaviness. So the second trimester will be the best time for you to take a trip. Just make sure to observe all the necessary precautions while you're traveling.

Go to the spa. Pregnancy can make you feel and look ugly. Have a massage and facial to make you feel good about yourself again. However, avoid facial treatments which are invasive and which require use of substances that can pose health risks to your unborn child. Research for local spas near you which offer special treatment packages for pregnant women.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Five Keys to Summer Wellness

Most people engage in many activities during summer.  This results to a change in their schedules and stressful circumstances. There are things which you can do to ensure wellness  in the warmest months of the year. Here's a short list of the things you must observe daily.

1) Sleep and wake up at the same time every day. Even though you don't have much work during summer, you must try your best to adhere to your regular schedule. Contrary to popular belief, sleeping or waking up at a later time than what you're used to can get you more stressed. Keep your body rhythm to avoid mental and physical health issues.

2) Exercise and eat well. Choose healthy and whole food over junk food. Too much salt, sugar and preservatives in canned and junk food can pose problems not only to your physical health but also to your mood and mental condition. Also, you must need to break in sweat in order to release the toxins in your body. You can do this by engaging in physical activities and exercise routines. If you find exercise routines boring and difficult, engage in games and other activities that interest you.

3) Limit your alcohol consumption. If you're suffering from any psychiatric symptoms, you must regulate your alcohol consumption. In fact, you must not take alcohol at all. Alcohol can help you forget your problems for a short time but it won't solve any of them. Alcohol consumption can only worsen your mental issues.


4) Connect with people you trust for emotional support. You can achieve good mental health by surrounding yourself with people who are willing to listen to you without judgment. Choose a couple of friends and relatives who you can meet regularly especially when you need to unload some personal thoughts and feelings.

5) Consider tracking your mood. There  are tools which used in tracking a person's daily mood. Below is a video of an app which you can download and use for free. (I'm not endorsing it, I just found it online.) By tracking your mood, you will know the things you need to do or avoid in order to condition yourself and achieve summer wellness.

Friday, March 18, 2016

How to Care for Your Horse During Summer

To most equine lovers, summer is the best time to bond with their horses. Farms and ranches abound with horse shows and competitions. And sunny days lend themselves to pleasurable trail rides downhill and uphill. All these factors encourage them to engage their horses in more outdoor activities than usual.

While there’s nothing wrong with this, a responsible horse owner must remember that summer heat can expose horses to serious health problems. Therefore, knowing several simple ways to keep horses cool and healthy during summer is important. Here are a few tips which you should observe to help your horse beat the summer heat.

1) Know your horse’s normal temperature, heart rate and respiratory rate. This information will help you recognise whether or not your horse is suffering from heat stroke. She may experience heat stroke while exercising under the sun or when simply standing inside a hot stall. Transfer your horse to a cooler environment and call your veterinarian as soon as she shows signs and symptoms of heat stroke.

2) Stick with your horse's normal schedule. Drastically increasing your horse's daily activities can make her feel tense and experience colic (gastrointestinal problems). If you need to add physical activities or make changes to her schedule, do this gradually so that your horse will have enough time to adjust.

3) Provide a run-in shed. A run-in shed offers horses a quick escape from the sun while they’re grazing or exercising outdoors. If you can’t provide a run-in shed, turn her out early in the morning to avoid excessive heat from the sun.

4) Buy your horse a suitable electrolyte supplement.
Severe loss of electrolytes happens during excessive sweating. It can cause colic, fatigue, muscle cramps and can create other health risks for horses. If you can’t stop your horse from sweating excessively, give her some supplements that will replace the electrolyte or salt loss in her body.

5) Observe proper ventilation in your barn. Install a misting fan near your horse’s stall. This will keep her cool as she rests. Also, leave the doors and windows open to allow air to flow inside the barn.

If you want additional tips on keeping your horse in good shape this summer, read this detailed infographic from Horseland.

Horses need the utmost care not only during summer. They need proper care every season. Click here to discover other insights and different tools you can use to keep your horse healthy and happy through out the year.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Four Fundraising Pitfalls Every Newbie Organiser Must Avoid

Organising a fundraiser can be overwhelming when you lack experience running fundraisers and you're having to learn everything on the fly. The good news is, you can hold a successful fundraiser and and boost your school's financial resources even though you're new to the task. How? By researching the tried and tested formulas for fundraising, and by steering clear of the things that cause fundraisers to flop. Here are some common mistakes you should try to avoid when setting up your very first fundraising project.

1. Lack of planning - Planning for a fundraiser has to be done a year in advance because it entails a lot of work. Create a list of all the tasks that must be done from day one right up to the actual date of your event. Assign volunteers to accomplish each of these tasks so that you won't get tempted to do everything. Stick with your plan but be ready to make changes to it when needed.

2. Poor communication - Problems arise when you're unable to communicate well with your team members and other important people outside your team. Make an effort to update everyone and have them all on the same page as you carry out your fundraising game plan. Apart from sending daily or weekly updates via email, create social media accounts where you can post every detail of the progress made on your project.

3. Lack of volunteers - Gather a core volunteer group to head up your project. Then, define the less important, but necessary positions and all the other roles and responsibilities that are needed in order for the fundraiser to be a success. Filling in these less important positions with able and interested people lightens the load of your core volunteers. But how can you find extra volunteers for your team? Circulate flyers or post a sign up ad on your social media accounts, then move on to the selection process from there. Good people who are willing to support your fundraiser without pay are hard to find, so don't overwork them.

4. Insufficient promotion - Contrary to popular belief, communities don't support fundraisers automatically, despite the fact that they're held to support a good cause. Get the attention of your target audience by giving out flyers, letters and posters in your area. Send emails and post the details of your fundraiser on your social media wall. Create a countdown type of ad on your wall to entice more people to sign up for your fundraiser.

Familiarise yourself with these fundraising mistakes and these solutions. This will help increase your chances of meeting your financial goals and building good relationships with your volunteers and the community.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Three Steps to Welcoming Change Positively

New years are always associated with new beginnings or changes. While these are often positive in nature, they are welcomed by most people because of the adjustments that come with them. Do you find yourself in such a dilemma? Here are some tips that can help you pull through.

Expect change. Like it or not, change will happen. It's inevitable. Anticipate it and make yourself ready for it. Also, expect all kinds of change to happen - from positive to destructive ones. This will help you plan your actions when change dawns upon your life.

Make the best out of it. One of the best ways to welcome change is to establish friendship with it. Yes, it could be difficult to handle but you must take the change that will come in whatever form. Doing so will improve your character bit by bit.

Be calm in the midst of change. There are things you wouldn't be able to understand no matter how hard you try. Instead of being angry and fearful, be relaxed while go through difficult changes in your life. But be observant of the life lessons it's teaching you.