Sunday, August 9, 2015

How Moms Can Benefit from Fitness Boxing

Boxing has become a very popular sport for many moms. Fitness boxing not only helps to build and tone your muscular stature, but also helps you to gain mental strength. It is a great workout that stimulates the mind, body and soul of busy moms. Here are the other benefits this sport provides to moms.

Development of self-defense skills - Boxing can teach you countless combinations of kicks and punches. This can be used as self-defense if you ever end up in a dangerous situation.

Weight loss and weight management - Boxing can burn as high as 500-1000 calories in a single hour work out depending on the intensity. Hence, boxing can greatly assist with your weight loss efforts.

Stronger heart - Regular boxing sessions help to maintain a balanced heart rate. It also helps to improve the strength of heart muscles, building a stronger heart.

Strong bones and muscles - Boxing improves the strength and flexibility of all muscle groups in the body. It also helps to develop joints and overall skeletal system.

Body strength - Because boxing involves sparring, bouncing, ducking, pivoting, punching (and even kicking), it requires repetitive motions of your entire body. These repeated movements provide strength and power especially to your arms, legs and core area.

Stress relief - Boxing helps to relieve physical and mental stress. Research shows that people who box regularly are more cheerful, getting rid of stress and tension with every punch!

Anger release - Boxing provides a good opportunity to release pent up anger. When you kick and punch during boxing, you can let go of anger without blowing up at someone. This can help you relax.